West Palm Beach, Florida Legal Malpractice Attorney
The West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice attorneys at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to help you if you suffered damages or losses due to legal negligence or attorney malpractice. If an attorney you retained failed to provide you with adequate and competent legal representation and you lost money, time, or suffered other damages as a result, you may have the right to seek compensation for your losses. The West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice attorney at Florida Legal Malpractice is here to help. If you have questions about your rights or next steps, reach out to the West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice attorneys at Florida Legal Malpractice today.
Do I Have a Legal Malpractice Case in West Palm Beach, Florida?
An attorney’s mistake alone may not be sufficient for you to have a legal malpractice case in West Palm Beach, Florida. To be able to seek damages for legal malpractice, you’ll need to show that you and the attorney accused of malpractice had an attorney-client relationship, show that the attorney failed to provide competent or adequate legal representation, and prove that you suffered damages as a result. What are some examples of attorney malpractice? Here are a few:
- Missed Deadlines. Many cases have deadlines by which paperwork must be filed or statute of limitations by which a claim must be made. If your attorney failed to meet these deadlines, your case could be dismissed, or you may be unable to make a claim. In the worst-case scenario, you and your family may be unable to pursue a case, and in the best-case scenario, you and your family might find yourself having to make a claim all over again, resulting in lost money and time. If you failed to meet deadlines because of lawyer error, the legal negligence lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to help you.
- Failed “Conflicts Check.” Attorneys are not permitted to represent two clients who have opposing interests. An example of this would be a husband and wife who are getting divorced who are represented by the same lawyer or same law firm. Another example of this would be a business lawyer representing two clients who are actively suing one another. A conflict could exist if one client’s loss of a case could result in the lawyer’s financial gain, or if a lawyer enters a relationship with a client whose interests oppose the interests of another client. If you entered an attorney-client relationship with a lawyer and later learned that there was a conflict or were asked to sign a waiver because a conflict was discovered later in the case, this could seriously impact your case. In some cases, individuals even need to hire a new lawyer because of the conflict. If a conflict was discovered in your case, and you lost your case, or had to hire a new lawyer, or were asked to sign a waiver because a conflict existed, before you sign the waiver, you may want to speak to a legal negligence lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Florida Legal Malpractice today. Our lawyers can review your case and help you with the next steps.
- Misapplication of the Law. If your lawyer failed to apply proper legal theory to your case, you may want to speak to the legal malpractice lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Florida Legal Malpractice. Lawyers often specialize in practice areas because the law can be complex, and it can be very difficult to be a generalist. Yet even lawyers who specialize in certain areas of the law can find themselves missing key legal concepts, especially if the laws have changed and they have not stayed up to date. Sometimes lawyers may even try to practice in areas where they are not familiar. If this is the case, errors can be made. If your lawyer failed to properly apply the law, missed key legal concepts when fighting your case, or made errors that resulted in losses or damages, the West Palm Beach, Florida legal negligence lawyers at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to help you. We may be able to help you seek damages for your losses.
- If your attorney committed fraud and you lost money or time as a result, you may be able to seek damages with the help of a West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyer at Florida Legal Malpractice. If your attorney failed to adequately manage money you entrusted him or her with or lied about your actual settlement amount and pocketed the rest, or failed to perform work as promised, you may be able to pursue a legal malpractice lawsuit. The West Palm Beach, Florida legal negligence lawyers at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to help you if you were a victim of a lawyer’s fraud.
- Failed to Perform Proper Records Search. Clients sometimes hire lawyers to perform a records search, either to search titles, to search for proper zoning requirements for a major development, or to search patents or trademarks for a new company name or idea. If your lawyer failed to perform a thorough records search, and this failure resulted in personal or business losses, you may have the right to pursue a legal malpractice claim. If a title isn’t clean, a person could potentially lose their home or property. If a trademark search wasn’t properly performed and a client took on a business name under legal advice, and then your business was sued because the name was taken, you may have the right to pursue a legal negligence claim. The West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyers at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to help you with your case.
- Clerical Errors. If your lawyer made a clerical error or strategic error that resulted in your case being dismissed or resulted in a lost case, you may have the right to pursue a legal malpractice claim if you suffered damages as a result. The West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyers in Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to assist you if a lawyer’s clerical error or mistake resulted in losses.
- Failed to Respond to Court Mail Regarding Your Case. Legal procedures may require you or your lawyer to respond to questions during the discovery process, respond to legal documents as a case moves through the courts, respond to notices regarding your case, or go for independent medical assessments if you are seeking damages for personal injury. If you failed to respond to these notices, your case could be dropped, or you could lose your case. You could miss important deadlines or miss the statute of limitations and be unable to make a claim. If you lost a case, and lost out on potential damages, or had to file a case anew because your lawyer missed deadlines, or failed to respond to notices, you may have the right to pursue a legal malpractice claim. The West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyers at Florida Legal Malpractice are here to help you navigate the claims process. We can review your situation and offer guidance on the next steps.
- Lawyer Failed to Honor Your Wishes. Your lawyer’s job is to offer competent legal guidance and advice, but a client ultimately has the right to make their own choices regarding their own case when those choices are within the scope of the law. If you want to settle your case outside of court, your lawyer can’t go filing a lawsuit contrary to your wishes. If a lawyer took actions that were not in alignment with your wishes, the West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyers at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to help if you suffered damages as a result.
These are just some examples of legal malpractice. If you believe your lawyer acted negligently resulting in losses, the West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyers at Florida Legal Malpractice may be able to assist you. Contact our legal negligence lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida today.
How Do I Sue My Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida?
To pursue a legal malpractice case, you must be able to show that three things occurred. What are these three things? They are:
- That you indeed had an attorney-client relationship with the lawyer. Often this relationship is established formally but sometimes it can be established informally. A legal negligence lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can review your case to see whether an attorney client relationship existed if you want to pursue a legal malpractice lawsuit.
- Your lawyer failed to offer competent legal representation. Like a medical malpractice lawsuit, legal malpractice lawsuits are based on whether your lawyer provided representation up to legal standards. A legal malpractice lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can review your case to determine whether your lawyer followed legal standards in your case.
- Your lawyer’s negligence resulted in damages or lost money. You must be able to prove that your lawyer’s error resulted in lost money or damages. The West Palm Beach, Florida legal malpractice lawyer at Florida Legal Malpractice can review your case and show the court whether money was lost.
Not every instance of legal error will result in a successful legal malpractice case. Having a strong legal malpractice lawyer on your side in West Palm Beach, Florida at Florida Legal Malpractice can make a big difference in your case. Our lawyers can review your situation, identify whether legal negligence occurred, and determine whether legal negligence resulted in losses. We can then work to build a strong case to support your claim.
We Can Help You with Your Attorney Negligence Lawsuit in West Palm Beach, Florida

The statute of limitations for pursuing an attorney negligence lawsuit in West Palm Beach, Florida is generally two years. If you believe you were a victim of attorney negligence, time is of the essence. Reach out to the malpractice lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Florida Legal Malpractice today to learn more about your rights and the next steps.
Contact a Malpractice Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida Today
The malpractice lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Florida Legal Malpractice are here to help you with your case if you suffered losses due to attorney negligence. You may only have a limited time to pursue a claim. Contact Florida Legal Malpractice today. We can review your case, determine whether it meets the standards for a legal malpractice case, and if it does, we can help you fight for your rights.